The importance of good design

10 years ago  •  By  •  0 Comments

The importance of good design in marketing to students

We all love good design and are constantly being influenced by it. But for many people the importance of good design is rarely thought about. Just wander round the local shopping centre, jump online or simply sit down in your living room and look around — good design is never very far away from you!

It’s a crowded market place out there; every product and service is desperate to get your attention. But you might notice that good design doesn’t need to shout, it quietly relies on its strengths to compete with everything else around it. Form, function material and experience are singled out or combined to create something that ‘stands out from the crowd’. And, once that happens, it can become a phenomenon!

Ultimately, what makes a good design is a personal thing. There is no scientific formula to follow or magic wand to wave but generally good design exudes an aura of positivity for most people.

But why is good design so important in your recruitment? Prospective students know that average or standard just isn’t enough. They like to be amazed, love to be enlightened, but most of all crave uniqueness. Good design can tick all these boxes and might even evoke the emotion of desire. Before we know it they’ve been swept off their feet by a piece of creative brilliance, which if developed properly shares a piece of the experience they can expect from your college or university.

Maybe good design is important because it immediately makes clear the benefits and value on offer. All of a sudden they understand what its like to be a student at your institution — to be a part of your community.

The striving toward good design is probably aided by our natural instinct to continuously re-invent the wheel. This process of refinement eventually leads to creating good design. And, let’s not forget that it’s human nature to want to feel satisfied and contented — good design does just that.

Good design continues to set a challenging benchmark. It forces the mediocre to look very mundane, sometimes to the point of making it obsolete. It can take an everyday item or experience and make it seem so much more than you thought.

The bottom line is that through good design you show prospective students and their parents that you take what you do seriously — and in a relationship of trust, this is vital.

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